Discover Pro Ribbons

Discover Pro features four ribbons, exposing a range of functionality that can be used to customize the query, and change the report and visualization design and formatting.

These features offer the user a tremendous amount of flexibility when it comes to querying the data model. They also give the user great freedom in terms of defining the look and feel of the data discovery.

Run Query

The Run Query button (orange highlight below) is the first function in the ribbon, and is displayed regardless of the currently selected ribbon. This button is used to manually run the query when the auto run function is disabled, or when changes are made to the query from the elements panel.

Ribbon Selection

There are four ribbons which you can toggle between: the report (red arrow above), design (green arrow), component (blue arrow), and query (yellow arrow) ribbons. To access the required ribbon, simply click it's corresponding button as indicated in the image below:

Report Ribbon

The Report Ribbon offers quick access to a range of commonly used tools, including a handful of query functions, along with formatting functionality that is applied at the report level. The Report Ribbon also provides access to the extended functionality offered by Report Actions and Conversations.

Design Ribbon

The Design Ribbon exposes functionality that enables the user to customize the design of the entire report. The tools here are applied at the report level, meaning they affect the entire data discovery, rather than specified elements within it (such as the query, or given visualization elements).

From here, the user can select a design theme for the report, and change the report background color and the report title color. They can also govern the report's runtime settings to determine what functionality will be exposed in the report when it's viewed, and add notes to the report.

Design Ribbon Functions




Click to colorize measures in the visual.

Copy/ Paste Styles

Copy styles form one report and paste them into another.

Design Themes

Select a design template form the Design panel. To view all templates, click the bottom arrow.

Report Title

Change the title color from the font color icon.

Report Background Color

Change the background color of the report.

Hide Tooltips

Hides tooltips that are used to expose detailed properties of member elements.

Hide Query Info

Show or hide query info captions.

Member Color Lock

"Hard-code" color allocations to specific hierarchy members in a given report.


Change the tolerance of the readability logic to enable a broader combination of colors.

Report Title

Customize the visualization's title and title font.

Reset Formatting

Use this button to undo all selected formatting options.

Runtime Settings

Customize which runtime settings should be enabled.

Show Notes

Enable Notes to open the notes panel along the bottom of the UI.

Component Ribbon

From the Component Ribbon, users can customize the formatting and design at the visualization level. This ribbon offers formatting choices that affect the look and feel of the current visualization. The functions exposed in the Component Ribbon depend of the currently selected visualization type, with each function developed to address the various formatting and design considerations that are specific to the corresponding visualization.

For example, when a line chart visualization is selected, options are exposed to change the line and data point style and size. If the visualization is changed to a grid, the Component Ribbon exposes functions that allow the user to customize row and column size, and even to customize font at the row, column, and data cell levels.

Cartesian Charts

Users can preview the properties of each particular visualization for Cartesian Charts.


Segment Charts

Query Ribbon

The Query Ribbon offers a range of tools aimed at customizing the query itself. Because these functions are performed at the query level, they affect the data that is returned in the visualization. The tools in the Query Ribbon include sorting and filtering, time intelligence calculations, and advanced analysis tools like forecasting.